
Jacksonville Criminal Defense Attorney Blog


Recent Developments for Defending Drug Possession Cases

Capable criminal defense lawyers know there are two major avenues for defending drug possession cases.  The first is to pursue traditional defenses such as investigating search and seizure issues, warrant issues, actual versus constructive possession issues and other similar traditional defenses.  The second major avenue, and one unfortunately oftentimes overlooked,…


Florida Felony Registration Requirements

I’ve had numerous inquiries about registration requirements for those convicted of felonies within the State of Florida.  Many folks, and apparently even some lawyers, believe the registration requirements only apply to those convicted of sex offenses.  That is incorrect.  Thus, while it is commonly known that certain sexual offenders or…


Jacksonville Automobile Accident Insurance Fraud Scheme

A little over two years ago, the first of many arrests were made in connection with automobile insurance fraud schemes here in Jacksonville. The schemes involved “staged”, or prearranged, accidents at low speeds to create realistic accident scenarios. The driving participants would then seek medical treatment at select clinics established…


The Difference Between Burglary and Trespass May be Important to Your Case

If you’ve been charged with burglary, a competent Jacksonville criminal defense lawyer may be able to get your charges reduced to trespass, or even have them dismissed. While both are crimes, the distinction between burglary and trespass can make a huge difference in the outcome of your case and upon…


Jacksonville Juvenile Offenders To Get Relief From Prosecution for Certain Nonviolent Crimes

The Times-Union reported today that the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office has committed to increase its use of juvenile civil citations in lieu of arresting juveniles for certain minor nonviolent crimes.  Civil citations are issued in appropriate cases as an alternative to arrest for juvenile misdemeanor offenders.  Instead of being arrested and…

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