Has a detective either called or left their card on your door asking you to speak with them about an incident? Or, has a detective asked if you’ll come down to the station “to clear things up”? You’re not told you’ll be arrested. The detective sounds reasonable and sincere. The…
Jacksonville Criminal Defense Attorney Blog
School Threats Made Via Social Media
Last weekend ABC News reported the Pasco County Florida Sheriff’s Office recently arrested a female juvenile accused of using social media to make online threats against three schools. According to an arrest report, the 13 year-old girl created an Instagram account with the username “Jake The Klown” and wrote a…
Felony Domestic Battery Charges
As a criminal defense lawyer, I often defend charges of domestic battery. Typically, I receive a call from either the person arrested in a domestic battery case or the alleged victim calling on behalf of the person arrested, usually her boyfriend, who is in jail. If it’s the latter, they…
“No Soliciting” Signs Don’t Prevent Police from Knocking on Your Door
On September 29, 2017 the First District Court of Appeal made new law concerning the type of signage posted on your property that can prevent warrantless investigation of the occupants. The case is State of Florida v. Crowley; Case No.: 1D16-3380. In Crowley, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Officers received an anonymous tip…
Road Rage Cases
The Florida Times Union just reported on a road rage case on Thursday in St. John’s County. According to the article, a newly licensed teen driver was with her mother and teenage brother when the vehicle behind them honked, flashed its lights and the driver gestured and yelled at them. …
Bail Bond Changes Coming Soon
The purpose of a bail in Florida criminal proceedings is to ensure the appearance of the criminal defendant at subsequent proceedings and to protect the community against unreasonable danger from the criminal defendant. Under Florida law, when determining whether to release the defendant on bail or other conditions and what…
Internet Child Sex Stings
In the past year there have been numerous local undercover operations wherein detectives pose as underage females seeking sex on the internet. Many of the ads are posted on Craigslist or similar sites. They typically begin with a posted ad stating the poster is home alone, bored and looking for…
Bill Cosby Sexual Assault Trial Ends in Mistrial After A Six Minute Defense and No Testimony by Cosby
In 2002 actor Bill Cosby met Andrea Constand at his alma mater, Temple University in Philadelphia, where she was on the staff of the women’s basketball team. Later, in the beginning of 2004, Cosby invited Constand to his home to discuss her career options. While she was there, Cosby gave…
Expect More Strict Federal Drug Prosecution After June 1, 2017
On May 10, 2017 United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a Memorandum to all federal prosecutors titled Department Charging and Sentencing Policy. The new policy requires federal prosecutors to charge and pursue the most serious, readily provable offenses, i.e., those that carry the longest guidelines sentence, including mandatory minimum…
Tough DUI Laws
Together with Arizona and South Carolina, Florida is considered to have some of the more strict DUI laws in the country. Soon, however, Utah will be the undisputed king of strict DUI laws in the nation. Currently, all states require a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 or greater for someone…