
Jacksonville Criminal Defense Attorney Blog


Don’t Talk To The Police Without First Consulting A Lawyer

People often ask what they should say to police officers who want to speak with them.    Other than simply confirming your identity, don’t talk with the police or any other law enforcement officers conducting an investigation without first speaking with a lawyer. It may come as a shock, but the…


How You Can Be Arrested for DUI With a Breath Alcohol Content Under the Legal Limit

Have you been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) in Florida even though your breath alcohol content (BAC) was less than 0.08?  If so, you’re probably wondering how you could still be arrested, given the “legal limit” of 0.08.  The answer is below. Under Florida law, the State has…

Posted in: DUI

How to Avoid a Felony Conviction and Prison In Your Grand Theft Case

Have you been charged with the crime of grand theft of electronics or other depreciating assets?  If so, you may have grounds to have your charges reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor, thereby avoiding a felony conviction, prison and/or substantial jail time.  The recent decision from the Florida First…


Recent Developments in Internet Child Sex Sting Operations

An internet child sex sting operation in Hillsborough County recently concluded with the arrest of sixteen men in August.  Among those arrested in “Operation Small Talk”  were a registered sex offender, a member of the U.S. Army Reserve and former Manatee County Sheriff’s Office sergeant.  Six of the men attempted…


Qualifying Probation Violators Can Now Avoid Prison

Have you violated your felony probation?  If you have, a recent change in the law may help you avoid a lengthy prison sentence resulting from your violation. Until recently, section 948.06(2)(a), Florida Statutes (2015), provided if you admitted to a charged violation of probation, the court could “forthwith revoke, modify,…

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