Is someone you know or love currently in a Jacksonville area jail? If so, they may be eligible for immediate resolution of their case and release from the jail due to the coronavirus. And, even if their case can’t quickly be resolved, they may be eligible for an ROR bond…
Articles Posted in Misdemeanor Crimes
Recordings Made Without Your Permission Sometimes May Be Used Against You
Many people believe if someone records them without their permission, the recording cannot be used in court. A recent decision by the First District Court of Appeal, however, shows that is not always the case. Corey Smiley was invited to the home of the women with whom he shared a…
How to Clear, or Remove, a Florida Warrant
In my last blog entry I discussed how to determine whether there is an outstanding warrant for your arrest. In this entry, I’ll discuss how best to clear, or get rid of, an outstanding arrest warrant. The Duval County Sheriff’s Office Department of Police Services has a special Warrants Unit. …
How to Confirm a Florida Warrant
If you have an outstanding warrant in Florida it is usually a good idea to deal with it sooner rather than later. It is not only a psychological relief, but it is also much more convenient and less embarrassing to resolve an outstanding warrant voluntarily than to be caught off…
Marijuana Possession Arrests Are No Longer Disqualifying for Military Service
There is good news if you desire to serve in the military, but you have a previous arrest for marijuana possession. The United States Army is issuing an increasing number of enlistment waivers to those who have smoked pot and also want to serve their country. These waivers allow previously…
An Unusual Petit Theft Case
I recently favorably resolved a petit theft case with a most unusual fact pattern. I’m discussing it here to highlight how important it is for your criminal defense lawyer to investigate all the facts to get you the best possible result in your case. The police report stated my client…
Road Rage Cases
The Florida Times Union just reported on a road rage case on Thursday in St. John’s County. According to the article, a newly licensed teen driver was with her mother and teenage brother when the vehicle behind them honked, flashed its lights and the driver gestured and yelled at them. …
Bail Bond Changes Coming Soon
The purpose of a bail in Florida criminal proceedings is to ensure the appearance of the criminal defendant at subsequent proceedings and to protect the community against unreasonable danger from the criminal defendant. Under Florida law, when determining whether to release the defendant on bail or other conditions and what…